Welcome to the Simple Politics shop!

Whenever we speak to 'business' type people, they always tell us we need to do more 'merch'. Y'know, stress balls and water bottles.

That's not us. It's never been us. We're coming up to a decade of SP and I've never put out a product I don't love with all my heart.

We sell our card games, we sell our history of the pandemic, we sell my books, we sell amazing quality organic t-shirts with a vital message. That's it.

I'm so proud of what we sell. I'm so pleaseed you're here to see it.

Welcome. Come on in. Have a look around.

Peace and love

Tatton x

Tatton's first book

The Breakdown

A look into why we all disagree with everyone all the time. But more positive than that sounds.

Yes please!

Tatton's Second Book

Politics But Better

26 different ways we can escape the awful state we find ourselves in. Light and easy. Full of hope.

Hope! I'm in.

Can't Decide?

Both books!

It's a tough decision. So much to love. Why not get both, signed, AND save money?

Both? Wow! Definitely.

Two Years Indoors

As those impossilbe two years drift away in the rear view mirror, let's take the time to hold onto the memories. They matter. This book is a slice of history. Our history. Your history.

Take me there!

All the books

Both Tatton's books and Two Years Indoors. Probs the best gift ever.

What a present this is!